Creator of Laterapedagogy® and Lateratherapy®
Joëlle Morice Mugnier is a psychopractitioner certified to practise the Vittoz Method and a supervisor;
Former director of the Institut de Formation Roger Vittoz-ARV (training institute);
Individual Member of the Fédération Française de Psychothérapie et Psychanalyse (FF2P, French Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Federation).
Over the past 25 years, she has also gained underpinning knowledge of Jungian psychoanalysis, Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis and Person-Centred Therapy developed by Carl Rogers.
Joëlle Morice Mugnier is a corrected left-hander in the traditional sense of the term. In response to her own struggles in this area – to the point of being close to failing throughout her schooling – and those of her patients, she has developed: LATERAPEDAGOGY ®
A pedagogy that focuses on structuring and restructuring laterality for anyone struggling to adapt to our particularly right-handed system and who has developed cognitive and conative (volition) disorders. LATERATHERAPY ®
My Values
Doctor Roger Vittoz’s Anthropological Values
Sharing and teaching Doctor Roger Vittoz’s (1863-1925) anthropological values through his method*:
- “to exist in existence” through full awareness, receptivity in the present moment;
- to welcome reality without judgment or condemnation but with appreciation to enable us to apply some of the most valorous of human skills: desire and decision!
Rogerian Humanist Values
To share and teach Carl Rogers’s humanist values* in my pedagogy and therapy practice :
To acknowledge the other person, understand them, be with them, by their side
To be aware, honest with oneself, adaptable, authentic
The Unconditional Positive Outlook
Without prejudice or judgment, to welcome the other person as they are, along with what they experience; with the conviction of their unique value, potential, numerous resources, many skills…
My Testimonial
To share and teach usually against the tide, with much courage to tell about my almost catastrophic schooling, with “minus 50 out of 20” in spelling tests! To try and explain that, despite my parents’ and teachers’ goodwill, 5 school changes and special support, my cognitive abilities were not soothed or restored, nor did they reach their optimum level. To share and teach the hope that, thanks to this amazing intellectual and emotional plasticity in human beings and to the perfectly logical means of laterapedagogy / lateratherapy, especially if applied very early on, “possible is possible”. It is never too late to discover and become who you are.

Joëlle Morice Mugnier offers pedagogical and therapeutic tools that can be used at an initial level by anyone, and particularly by parents. For teachers, help relationship professionals (speech therapists, specialists in handwriting or psychomotor skills, orthoptists, mind-body therapists, psychologists, etc.), it is highly advisable to do the training (see link to training page) for remediation purposes. This pedagogy, designed to structure laterality and specific psychotherapy have an undeniable positive physical, mental and psychological impact, enabling people who suffer and wish to use their full potential and be more together and – why not – find a meaning to their life!

« Left-handed? Right-eyed? »
Distribution for North America of “Gauchers de la main ? Droitiers de l’oeil » Ed. P. Téqui – Saint Joseph Bookstore

*NEW* Guide for laterapedagogy